A shortcut to skip the reality

Taking your own life, these days is in trend both in public and personal lives. People also compare their problems with the problems of others. They don't want to understand whether a problem is a bug or a small one. Problem is a problem. The one who's facing it only knows what he's going through. People often talk a lot about after one take's his own life and grieve. But they forgot that it's always better to take precautions than cure. If you know anyone in your surroundings who are gòing through tough times then be humble and kind enough to support. If you can't give someone happiness then at least don't give them hard time. In this modern and fast developing world, it becomes very difficult to share something with someone but if a person does then be a good listener instead of getting involved in your little World of sadness. Sometimes people indulge in their grievances so much that they stop noticing their surroundings and the other person who is in sorrow and this is the main reason a person takes his own life because if he/she is suffering so much and if they could have seen the other one suffering too then he/she would have understood that they need to live if not for themselves then for others. If you are upset about something and going through tough times make sure to take a look around your surroundings and you will see you are not the only one. We all are suffering for one reason or the other. By seeing others being upset we will get enough courage to live more diligently instead of giving up our own lives. I have seen my close ones who have to give up and who are still doing it. I guess we all know someone who died due to pain and who are still trying to die. Instead of doing the same try to gather your guts to live life in a righteous way because you never know how life will surprise you. Taking your own life is nothing but a shortcut to skip reality. You will learn to grow if you will face the hurdles of life. Without sorrow and pain, there is no sense of happiness and easy life. Life is hard just to make you understand the importance of it. Life is meaningful if you don't give up. Once you have given up, you will never know what's in the cup for you. Be strong, listen well, look around and one day you will be strong enough to live just like that. Live diligently and lead a happy life.


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