Real struggle: Honesty served me right

It was the very first time my boss called me, so I just flew in. He gave me a warm welcome which is very seldom to find in workplaces these days.

The meeting was mostly related to my promotion. My boss asked me how things are, he also enquired me about my colleagues. He wanted me to give honest feedback about my colleagues so I gave.

One day, a colleague questioned me, "What did you talk about with our  boss?"

I honestly answered whatever I said in the meeting because if you like someone's work you say if you don't then again you say so. 

I said both the negative and positive sides of my colleagues without hiding anything from them. But it seemed they only heard the negative feedback and didn't even want to listen to the positive one. Though I tried to tell them twice/thrice they kept on interrupting and started getting annoyed at me.

After a few days, one more colleague called me and said, "Girl you shouldn't have said such things. If you are not honest how come you say such things to others?"
I inquired, "How come I am not honest?" 
She replied, "You also hide your mistakes." 

I laughed, I told her,  "You might only know that I made 10/20 mistakes but I've made hundreds of mistakes which before telling you I always tell my leader first. I don't want that due to my flows someone else should pay the price. My mistakes My responsibility" and then no response at all. 

A few months later again my boss called, telling me that he cannot promote me because I was the replacement of one of my colleagues who was supposed to leave but didn't. 

This entire thing gave me an epiphany, maybe it was my "Karma." Maybe I hurt my colleagues knowingly and unknowingly.

If a person is not honest with his/her work how can we expect the World to be honest with us? Try to be honest and see the World from a whole different angle. 

Being honest is the real struggle of life. We struggle to live and survive. Don't hesitate to struggle because without it there's no existence. Keep on struggling, keep shining.

Appeasement is temporary but honesty will leave a  mark on your character! Choose wisely!


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