How would you feel if I slap you?

Before coming to the topic let me share a conversation which took place between my good friend Temwa and me:

Me: Can I ask you a question?

Temwa: Absolutely!

Me: How will you feel if I slap you for no reason?

Temwa: I might be angry with you because my temper could turn so terrible😂

But I am not sure though😂

Me: So animals can't speak...

If someone slaps you for no reason you just become angry and on the other side animals who can't even speak, people are eating them, slaying them only because they can't fight back.

Only because of our taste buds we just eat them, how is it fair?

The day I realized this thing. I quit eating non-veg and I can't tolerate the ones who are eating. 

I try my best to make people understand this but I know it's of no use. Still I will try to make them understand at least once. Rest their karma!

So this little conversation took place between him and I. 

Now, I would like to ask you how would you feel if someone slaps you or slays you for no reason? 

Simply, you will fight back.

And before you are going to give me your silly excuses let me clear a few things to you;

  1. If you are eating non-veg for proteins then my dear there are nine types of pulses in the World which contain way more proteins than any meat.

  2. Eating meat(any type of non-veg) produces heat in our body and as a result we end up getting angry by nature and it is scientifically proven. 

  3. Those who are into gym, the sane ones, if you really want to build your body then work hard rather than giving excuses. 

  4. If you are saying you are maintaining your health then let me be more specific, consumption of non-veg will lead to high blood pressure, increases cholesterol and obesity.

  5. To be more specific, the risk of dying from heart disease is less for vegetarian people as compared to non vegetarians. 

  6. Now comes the most smart people, they say we eat non-veg to balance the Earth. I mean seriously? Why don't you go and die when the real burden is you on our mother Earth. 

  7. Alas, comes the one and only the hunters, so dear hunters how would you feel if I kill you with the same bullet which you have used to kill a bird or an animal? 

There's this one friend of mine who hates to use any kind of abusive language but he hunts animals. 

One day I slapped him in a playful act and it was a normal slap one could not get hurt by that but he became very angry. So I wanted to ask him how dare he kill animals when he doesn't even tolerate a little playful act?

I can give you thousands of reasons to not eat non-veg but they are of no use if you don't even want to understand things.

Truth to be told, I used to eat non-veg. But ever since I realized how bad it is I just simply quit. 

See, in life there are many things which we are doing wrong. Sometimes we just don't realize it and that's called an innocent mistake but once you realize and are still repeating the same things then you will be called an ignorant fool. 

Choice is yours but please for God's sake leave animals. Why do animals have to suffer because of your greed? Why don't you cut your finger and eat it next time when you are craving for non-veg.

Sounds brutal isn't it? Well my friends, you are the one who's being brutal. Please try to learn to be a good human and don't act like horrifying beings. 

I hope you can change your perspective and remember one thing,  even an entire crowd can be wrong if you know what's right thing to do in life. 

Don't follow the blindfolded crowd!


  1. Some people doesn't get this fact

    1. I know, but I have to try at least :)
      Like I said, our World is full of ignorant fools!

  2. Truth has been spoken! Really good article...The part with 'we are balancing the nature' was really good😂🤣(lol). Insightful,true,bitter and very eye opening!

  3. Replies
    1. I don't care if you find it shitty, seems you are eating it that's why you find it shitty!!!

  4. You're right the way we use to consume non veg is not right but it's lifecycle

  5. As this topic says "how would you fell if I slap you" so you have to know, as it is related to nonveg thing the whole process of cutting and everything is taken place after making them dead or unconscious, so the topic you choose to deliver a message is not much relevant to your content.


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