Level Of Confidence
One day I was talking with my mother's sister. She shared one story with me in order to motivate me and boost up my confidence.
She said, "Last week I was talking to our new maid. She was talking about her marital status.
She said that she was living a happy married life and for the first time she started earning while being a housemaid. She was happy doing her job as this job built her confidence for the first time in her life.
I was happy for her. Her story brightened up my mood. The next day she came in the morning but this time she seemed a bit tense but happy.
I asked her about this state of hers and she said, "My husband left me". I was shocked to hear that as the last day she was talking about being a happy couple so I asked what went wrong?
She explained that her husband is an alcoholic and because of this habit their entire hard earned money goes in vain as he uses the money to buy alcohol.
I didn't like this attitude of his so I refused to give him the money which made him furious so he started shouting in the house and he left the home saying that, "I will see for how long you can survive without me."
I got curious and asked her what happened next, she smiled and said, "Nothing, I told him to go out of the house." I am now earning didi so I will survive on my own now."
I was shocked, her salary is only INR 2,000 and she was so confident in her work that she didn't need a husband like that.
If youth started to have the same level of confidence then I am telling you, nobody will be a slave of money, everyone will get financial freedom but due to lack of confidence youth is not coming forward to start working on their goals."
As soon as I heard this story from her, I hung up the cell phone and started working on my goals. It made me realise that without confidence we are nothing in life and confidence will build up only if we do something in life. We need to stand up on our feet and remember no work is small. The moment you start the very moment you will feel the change within you. Just simply accept the adversity and focus on your goal.
Fighting ~
Sounds like you're unmarried but from your novels and suggestions it looks like you're so experienced.