Menstruation cycle a healthy process

India is becoming modern-day by day in every sphere whether it is in the academic field or sports. But in India, people don't talk about sex education nor the menstruation cycle openly, still, there is a hesitation out there. Here I am going to discuss some important things about the menstruation cycle. People say that the blood that comes out during the menstrual cycle is not pure, well it's just a myth. As you all know that babies are born because of this cycle only then how come that blood is impure? we being women should be happy about the menstrual cycle because it helps us be healthy, it helps in the proper flow of blood circulation in our body, it helps in balancing our hormones and it also helps in maintaining our body weight just like blood donation helps us in being healthy,  helps in proper blood circulation in our body and maintains our body weight.

A few things to be kept in mind during the menstrual cycle:-
Don't skip your meals, skipping your meals will result in weakness and your cycle will also fluctuate, it won't be regular.
Exercise, women don't exercise which will make it difficult for them to be fit and they will be a lazy plus in pain the whole time. If you are having too much pain during the menstrual cycle then I suggest you do some Yoga and stretching exercises and jogging which will relax your body.
Be hygienic, you and your surroundings should be very clean. Always wrap your sanitary napkins(used) in paper then cover it with polythene after that throw it in a dustbin and immediately wash your hands to stay infection-free. Change your napkins within 4-6 hours.
Don't wash your head in the starting three days of your cycle. When you wash your head during the cycle you will find swelling in your uterus due to which it will be difficult for you to give birth during the time of pregnancy(normal).
Our ancestors and our elders taught us not to wash our head during the menstrual cycle, wash it after 3/4 days, don't go to the temple, don't do prayers(puja), even some people still don't cook food during the menstrual cycle, etc etc. These all are just a myth. Ancestors told these things years ago because there was some logic or scientific reason behind that like washing your head is an example which I have already given to you. People according to their opinion started adding some stuff that is not even logical. we were told not to go to any worship or holy place during the menstrual cycle because it's impure blood. If blood is impure then where we all came from? Funny isn't it? Just give it a thought how come such a healthy process is blight?


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